The National Spelling Bee is a bizarre ritual. Every spring, hundreds of middle-school students cram into a hotel ballroom and attempt to spell obscure words that few human beings have ever uttered — or will ever utter — in the course of their lifetimes.
"We shot for the moon and we missed," says one official who worked on Massachusetts' $175 million exchange — which will cost $121 million to fix.
The Obama administration is quietly trying to stamp out some of the skimpiest health plans, a decision that industry officials say could trigger yet another wave of cancellation notices.
After a catastrophic launch, Obamacare still signed up 8 million people. That's because being uninsured is worse than using HealthCare.Gov.
The same heartburn medication costs $215 in the United States – and $23 in the Netherlands. And that's only the start of the problem.
Can Vermont replace Obamacare with single payer?